What is it? Well it's a demo day, intro day and social day all rolled into one.
Tide is low at around 1200h.If the wind is NE we will be near the bunker (take the last beach carpark at the end of North st).
If it's SE we will be at Skirmish Point (Park at the end of Lowry St).
Any new kiters welcome (even if you don't own any gear).
We will have some demo gear available too.
Start time will be around 12pm and the day is weather dependant so be sure to check back here often.
There is of course no cost and participation is entirely at your own risk.
If you intend to turn up please leave a
Click the following link for a map with directions- http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=brisbane&daddr=woorim&sll=-24.428605,151.284475&sspn=5.969833,8.811035&ie=UTF8&ll=-27.064629,153.086586&spn=0.182519,0.275345&z=12&om=1

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